Research Triangle NC Transit Import

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This import has been completed. Everything else on this page was written before the import started, and should not be read as future plans.


To add every missing bus stop in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina to OpenStreetMap without creating duplicate bus stops.


The import should, if all goes well, begin in May 2019.

Import Data


Data source site: GoTriangle, GoRaleigh, GoCary, and GoDurham GTFS files.

Data license: Word for word, the licence state the followingː

By using data made available through this site, the user agrees to all the conditions stated in the following paragraphs as well as the terms and conditions described under the City of Raleigh Open Data Privacy Policy. THE CITY OF RALEIGH MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTY AS TO THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, OR CONTENT OF ANY DATA MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS SITE. THE CITY OF RALEIGH EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. While the City will take care to refrain from changes to the data format or schemas, there may be an occasional need to change the data format or schema as the data is modified and/or updates or addendums to the data are completed. It is understood that the information contained in the site is being used at one's own risk.Right to Modify and/or Discontinue Feeds The City of Raleigh reserves the right to modify and/or discontinue providing any or all of the data feeds at any time and to require the termination of any and all displaying, distributing or otherwise using any or all of the data for any reason including, without limitation, violation of any provision of these Terms of Use.Terms of Use and Moderation Disclaimer Communications made through will in no way constitute a legal or official notice to the City of Raleigh or its departments or any official or employee of the City of Raleigh for any purpose. Use of the website constitutes acceptance of this policy. Any information posted here may be considered a public record and may be subject to disclosure to third parties. The City reserves the right to amend these terms of service at any time and without further notice.

Type of license: Custom Link to permission: We contacted the city regarding the section highlighted in bold, and received a promising replyː

Thanks so much for your email. I have had the opportunity to speak with legal and we are going to work on updating the language of our licensing. It will take some time to go through the process but the main points are that we reserve the right to stop any or all data feeds but will not require the discontinued use if you have consumed the data when it was live. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your continued support of Open Data Raleigh.

ODbL Compliance verified: Yes.

Import Type

A one time import that will be completed with JOSM and the Todo plugin.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

Tagging Plans

The tags highway=bus_stop, public_transport=platform, bus=yes, name=*, network=*, and ref=* will be used on all bus stops.

Changeset Tags

source=GoTriangle GTFS; GoRaleigh GTFS; GoCary GTFS; NCSU Wolfline GTFS; GoDurham GTFS and good changeset comments will be used on each changeset.

Data Transformation

A python program written by Joe Caruso completed all of the data transformation (GTFS -> .geojson). All conflation, however, will be manual.

Data Transformation Results

Transformed data. - Please feel free to open this with JOSM to test the data quality.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

A tasking manager project will very likely be created to organize the import, and the mapping community in the area will be encouraged to participate.


  • Open a square from OSMUS Tasking Manager project #120.
  • Download the bus stops for the square.
  • Download existing OSM data into a new layer.
  • Merge layers .
  • Remove data not in square.
  • Manually conflate new and old bus stop data.
  • Upload to OSM server.


Manual effort will be the main method of conflation. This will ensure high data quality standards.