Proposal:Traffic sign

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This proposal was built without a vote and the tagging is widely established based on this proposal. The Feature Page for this proposal is located at Key:traffic_sign.

Proposal status: Inactive (inactive)
Proposed by: Driver2
Tagging: traffic_sign=*
Applies to: node or way
Definition: Tagging country-specific traffic signs

Rendered as: traffic sign
Draft started: 2009-04-05
RFC start: *
Vote start: *
Vote end: *


This proposal is not necessarily meant to replace anything. The purpose of using this tagging scheme can be:

  • Clarify what traffic sign lead to the corresponding Key:access-Tags (in case the given tags could be ambiguous)
  • Tag traffic signs that you can't or can't yet tag with other tags

The traffic_sign=*-Tags can either act as a note to other mappers or be parsed automatically in order to use them directly or convert them to other tags.

This should not interfere with the already established traffic_sign=city_limit. You can use whatever values you'd like to, even if they don't follow the guidelines of this proposal, as long as the values don't clash.

Please note that the aim of this proposal is not to replace any access-Tags. It is merely meant as an addition, that may or may not replace other tags in the future.

How to tag

You can use this on nodes, ways or area, whatever the traffic sign applies to. This is not meant to mark the position of the actual sign, instead it goes to the same place as e.g. the access-Tags.

  • traffic_sign=<country code>:<one or more combinations of traffic signs>
  • <country code> should be the two-letter code of the country the sign belongs to
  • combinations of traffic signs are separated by semicolon: ";"
  • traffic signs are separated by comma: ","
  • traffic signs should be represented by the official id for that particular sign in your country
  • where the traffic sign requires a value, you can supply it after the id using brackets: "[value]"


Zeichen 240 - Gemeinsamer Fuß- und Radweg, StVO 1992.svg traffic_sign=DE:240
Zeichen 250 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge aller Art, StVO 1970.svg
Zusatzzeichen 1020-30 - Anlieger frei (600x330), StVO 1992.svg
Zeichen 250 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge aller Art, StVO 1970.svg
Zusatzzeichen 1040-30 - Zeitliche Beschränkung (16 - 18 h), 330x600, StVO 1992.svg
Zeichen 108-56 Gefälle, StVO 1992.svg traffic_sign=DE:108[10]
Zeichen 260 - Verbot für Krafträder und Mofas und sonstige mehrspurige Kraftfahrzeuge, StVO 1992.svgZeichen 265 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge, deren tatsächliche Höhe einschließlich Ladung eine bestimmte Grenze überschreitet (600x600); StVO 1992.svg
Zusatzzeichen 1020-31 - Anlieger oder Parken frei (600x450), StVO 1992.svgZeichen 264-2 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Breite, StVO 2017.svg

Lists of traffic signs