Humanitarian OSM Tags/Humanitarian Data Model/MappingHdmPaho

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PAHO Health facility import: mapping of Humanitarian data model and PAHO data model

This is a mapping of the Humanitarian Data Model with the PAHO master list of Health Facilities

Specific mappings for common attributes

Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Official Name PAHO field: NomInstitu registry_name=* Name
Name:en=* PAHO field: Fac_NameEN name:en=* Name
Name:fr=* PAHO field: Fac_NameFr name:fr=* Name
Name:kr=* PAHO field: FacNameKr name:kr=* Name

Mapping of HDM Health Facility Attributes

Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Admin1_Name=* PAHO field: Departemen This identical with a departement in Haiti. OSM knows the departement boundary and OSMs geo coding service will lookup health facilities whose position is within these boundaries. OSM maps Departemen to health_facility:department=*. It doesn't add a tag is_in=*. Basic

Admin3_Name=* PAHO field: Commune OSM maps Commune to health_facility:commune=*. It doesn't add a tag is_in=*. Basic

Admin1_ID=* PAHO field: RegionID Currently not explicitly mapped in OSM, but implicitly through geo coding service. PAHO field should be mapped to health_facility:departement_id=* in the future Basic

Admin2_ID_-_PAHO_DistrictID=* PAHO field: DistrictID health_facility:district_id=* Basic

Admin3_ID=* PAHO field: CommuneID health_facility:commune_id=* Basic

PCODE=* PAHO field: PCode pcode=* Basic

Street_Name=* PAHO field: Address addr:street=* Basic

Phone/Business=*' PAHO field: Telephone
How to handle multiple phone numbers? (see discussion --Gubaer 23:52, 5 February 2010 (UTC)
phone=* Basic

Email=* PAHO field: email contact:email=* Basic

Fax=* PAHO field: Fax contact:fax=* Basic

HealthFacilityType values PAHO field: Categorie amenity=hospital and health_factility:type=* Basic

Hospital PAHO field: Categorie=HOP amenity=hospital and health_facility:type=hospital Basic

Specialized_Hopital PAHO field: Categorie=HOPSpec health_facility:type=specialized_hospital Basic

Field Hospital PAHO field: Categorie=F Hospital health_facility:type=field_hospital Basic

CS-Health_center PAHO field: Categorie=C/S health_facility:type=health_center Basic

CAL-Health_center_with_beds PAHO field: Categorie=CSL health_facility:type=health_center

CSL-Health_center_without_beds PAHO field: Categorie=CAL health_facility:type=health_center

Dispensary PAHO field: Categorie=DISP health_facility:type=dispensary Basic


PAHO field: Categorie=Other health_facility:type=other
This is PAHO specific. HDM doesn't know this tag value.

Unknown_type_of_facility Categorie=Unknown health_facility:type=unknown
This is PAHO specific. HDM doesn't know this tag value.

HealthFacilityDamage values PAHO field: Damage. Currently not mapped because not values in the PAHO model. Basic

Operating_Organization_Name =* PAHO Field: Oorganisat. Name of the Operating Organization Responsible for operator=* Basic

PAHO specific attributes

The PAHO dataset includes a set of attributes whose models in the HDM are not yet stable enough. The import in the OSM database of the the PAHO datasets v2 and v3 therefore uses a set of PAHO specific tags which are prefixed with paho:.

PAHO specific attributes Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Type=* see PAHO Field Type paho:type=* Basic

PAHO ID up to v3 we don't map the PAHO Field HealthC_ID to id:uuid=* because the HDM is not stable enough regarding its ID tags paho:id=* Basic

PAHO Damage PAHO includes damage assessement starting from v3 of its list. We don't map the PAHO Field Damage to the HDM yet because the HDM is not mature enough regarding Damage Assessment attributes.

Note that the PAHO list v3 includes two fields DamageSource and DamageDate which aren't described in the meta-data for the PAHO list.


