Missing Maps London

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1st Tuesday of every month - public mapathons. TicketTailor for tickets.

3rd Tuesday of every month - Mid Month Mapthon OSM / GIS technical volunteers - for experienced mappers that know how to use JOSM. TicketTailor for tickets.

Volunteer collaborators role evolution. (July 2018)

Roles that are evolving. Leader and learner / backup

What good looks like.

What works Bugs Open questions
Venue sourcing Sam and


- Test wifi on venue approval.

- Check rooms out for layout and access - restaurant set up works best because of chairs and tables.

- ask whoever is there early to label the rooms accordingly.

- Glasses for water?

- door wedges? if this is possible.

- Where are projectors located? easy to see presentations on screen especially for ID?

consider toilet arrangements - especially access back into the mapping rooms.

Hosting / venue setup. Venue host, Changes monthly.

Lead host contact:

Lead MM contact:

Happy with open public attendance.

100 people. Table of about 8 people

Big open area promotes inclusion.

Screens large enough for people to follow.

Easy wifi Tech support for Wifi

Do we need extension leads?



Refreshments Sharron and happy for helpers? primary for mid month and back up for main beg/month event

Pizza - delivered on time and (a guessed at) right number. (veggie and vegan?) Dominos is a good back up and does two for one on Tuesdays if Wedge Issue can't deliver Water - what if the venue does not have plastic cups?

Paper towels.

Bin bags. Dispose of pizza boxes after event.

Aware of any Host requirements on refreshments.

Encourage bring pot luck via MM, e.g, chocolates with Gabor, Rob usually offers biscuits/cookies.

Reception sign in Jess and ?? Sharron Reception signing in.

Backup attendee list.

- Eventbright app on her phone.

Task lead Jorieke and Andrew Project preparation.

task explanation.

more than enough tasks for beginner and intermediate.

Identify who in the crowd are helpers - get them to self-identify!

Go quick through tutorial at the front. Don't worry about people keeping up - the helpers in the room do clean up as we go.

- P



Ralph and ?

- Maria

- Rob

Feedback to the room on good and bad about this task and what is being seen.

Recognition and celebration of top mappers and why.

Sitting next to people who are doing validation and using JOSM

JOSM table
Leaderful MC's Andrew and Jorieke Get people through wifi.

Link to OpenStreetMap - larger (non-humanitarian) community (Dan Stowell does this really well) Instructions for creating OSM ID.

Org chart in the room.

End of event vibe. Create pot vibe.

speakers on interesting uses of MM data.

Portable Microphone and clicker.

Pub invitation out loud afterwards at the end of every session about pub.

Eventbrite Aga for main event. Sharron for MM and back up for Main.

Jorieke for backup and Sam to learn.

Create the Eventbrite invitations.

email reminders are automated from eventbrite a day or so beforehand.

Giving an email update on what was achieved, any tips after main event. Sometimes MM where applicable.

include project task information where possible - usually Jorieke supplies.

backup Extension leads. Some venues want PAT tested kit.

Portable wifi?

Hardware & paper supplies Jorieka and Andrew easy 1 Pager for tables.

MM banner

MM A4 signs

Table top guides.

MM tshirts.

stickers. pens.

Mice Rob Brings a bag of mice for people to use at events.
Printed Materials Alicia and ... The Bag:

- Simple pre instructions

- Mapswipe stickers.