Pakistan Remote mapping Workshop Oct 2010

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SPOT imagery in JOSM

Pakistan Remote mapping Workshop is a past event on the evening of Wednesday Oct 20th 2010 in London, at the London Hack Space in Hackney.

The sign up (and attendee list) up was on eventbrite: and it was booked up! (18 places at the venue)

Photos and blogs

Harry diary entry including JOSM UX notes.

photos from Spike on flickr

Original information

This is an OpenStreetMap event (part)organised by Harry Wood (and part by Spike from CrisisCampLdn). Think of it as a normal mapping evening ...but with a difference. Bring along laptops, and spend a couple of hours doing remote mapping in Pakistan's flooded regions: 2010 07 Pakistan Floods

...also bring along beer. Apparently this is the thing to do at the hackspace. It is allowed, and there's no obvious pub nearby.

This is also organised in conjunction with London Hackspace, and CrisisCampLondon, and so there will be a few OSM beginners along. Harry (and whoever can help) will do some JOSM training, to show them how to do sketching with SPOT imagery. However it should be stressed that this is just a normal OSM meet-up too, for anyone that wants to just come along a chat about maps with other OSMers. Please come along and join in, even if you can't be bothered with the "workshop" bit.

Venue Location

This is a new London hackspace venue not the same leaky-roof place we went to before. Different place:

37 Cremer Street, Hoxton, E2 8HD London. (map)

You can walk there from Old Street tube or Hoxton Overground stations. More venue details, and "getting there" info

Who's coming?

The sign up is on on evenbrite. There's also a list of people who have done so, on that page. Pre-registration is required, and we have reached capacity.

Also listed on if you fancy it. If you're changing your mind about coming, please relinquish your ticket so that someone else can come.

Bring booze? Pub?

The initial plan was to go to the pub at 9p.m. however we're informed that the thing to do is bring booze to the hackspace! There is also beer on tap apparently!? (donations accepted. bring cash) This means the serious "workshop" stuff will phase into less serious drinking over the course of the evening, with a definite preferential leaning towards the drinking developing by the 9p.m. mark.

short link for tweeting :