Talk:Key:public transport

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Accès handicapés/ Accessibilité

Comment précise-t-on si l'arrêt est accessible aux chaises roulantes ?? Avant on utilisait highway=bus_stop avec wheelchair=yes/no/limited. Mais peut-on le faire avec wheelchair=yes/no/limited et platform ? ( station est trop grand/vaste pour wheelchair=yes/no/limited) --APP3L initiation (talk) 20:18, 4 March 2013 (UTC)

Oui, je ne vois pas de problème à tagger l'accéssibilité de la platforme, ainsi qu'éventuellement celle de la stop_position. En effet, highway=bus_stop peut être remplacé par public_transport=platform dans la majorité des cas. --Gileri (talk) 19:51, 29 May 2015 (UTC)

Bus stops

"A small bus stop. Can be mapped more rigorously using public_transport=stop_position for the position where the vehicle stops and public_transport=platform for the place where passengers wait. See public_transport=* for more details." (Quote from Sadly, that is not really a good solution, as you need 2 nodes for one thing. The bus stop. It made the whole editing more complicated and did not improve anything! Is it somehow possible to amend the p_t:v2 and bring back a simple "bus stop" tag? Also the stop_position tag is utter non-sense, as there are stations, where the bus stops somewhere else on the rails than a tram, or where at a train station, trains of different lengths stop at different points. Who thought this stop:position thing up? Someone who rarely uses public transport ? Emergency99 (talk) 18:49, 29 May 2015 (UTC)

A bus stop is really a misnomer. There is two things, as explained in the Public Transport article. On one hand you have the place where people wait to go inside the bus (or train, or any other PT), and the point where the bus/other PT stops in its way.
If you only want to map where people wait to board a PT, fine, just map a node/way aside the road with public_transport=platform. Only one thing to map. If mappers (like me) want to go into detail, then fine also, let them detail public transport features. Please don't sacrifice map depth and completeness just because you don't want to go into details.
If we go down that road, shouldn't we just make a node public_transport=station inside a multi-modal hub with trains, metro and buses to symbolize the whole station and PT features, as "it's just one thing".
For the ad hominem : I use buses, train and trams regularly, and I mapped a lot of stops according to the PT v2 scheme. --Gileri (talk) 20:01, 29 May 2015 (UTC)
You're not answering Emergency99 about the non-sense of stops when it depends on the length of the train, the kind of train, the position of a tram or a bus on the same platform or the fact that a platform in a railway station can be used in both directions. Are you adding all the possible stops? How to the discriminate them? Depending on the traffic, different trains on the same route may stop for the same platform but at different positions. Are you ignoring some? BTW a stop is not a "thing" ;-).
And don't forget the relation to link platforms and nodes.
So what are stops good for? That's may be a better question to answer.
--Nospam2005 (talk) 22:10, 2 November 2016 (UTC)
For stop positions you just take one node in the middle of the area where trains stop, somewhere in front of the platform. You don't have to bother about train lengths, simply because passengers may enter/Exit anywhere on this area ! Generally in stations trains have a well defined position for stopping safely so that doors will always open in front of the platform. As the length of trains will unpredictably vary, passengers are waiting near the front. In some cases there could be two trains parked along the same long platform, but in that case there are two well defined stops for their front, and a large enough safety gap between them (this case is very exceptional except in some platforms of very long railway stations, such as Paris-Montparnasse which is in fact an alignment of 3 stations...). — Verdy_p (talk) 00:37, 3 November 2016 (UTC)
In order to pick up a half randomly located point, using the orthogonal projection of the platform node / centroid (or edge in the direction of the route if known) would be better. And shows the little added value of this new concept. This belongs more to pre-processing than to mapping (help for Q&A if you want): derived value.
Paris-Vaugirard is not really part of Paris-Montparnasse, it's a specific station. You can go from there to Paris-Montparnasse 1 & 2 but it's not the same station anymore. For Paris-Montparnasse 1 & 2 there is no difference... and OSM reflects that: gare Montparnasse.
When a double train is going to Quimper and Brest, the first train is going to Brest, the second is going to Quimper. Are you going to maps 2 stops? Non sense, they're bridged together. When arriving, the stop position is close to the buffer stop. When leaving, the stop position is outside the building, close to it. And as the track is unknown (even if the one used for a specific route is pretty stable), the platform may vary and that's the most important point for the customer.
Currently bus stops ("bus platforms" in novlang) are missing in OSM. Here the new model is making the contribution of normal user harder (1 platform, 1 stop, 1 area (a relation!), not speaking about the routes and master routes. Is it what we need?
N.B.: the topic is Bus stops not Train stops and bus stops at the end of the platform which is usually mapped as a node. --Nospam2005 (talk) 21:06, 3 November 2016 (UTC)
Depending on schedules, the TGV starting from or going to Paris will stop in Vaugirard or Montparnasse 1 or 2. In other cities, or in travel guides they all say "Paris Montparnasse", and you know the real station only when you buy your ticket, and even then, it is possible to change: travelers need to look at information in one of the 3 stations to know where to get their train, in fact it's just like with airport terminals: you don't know precisely where you'll take your plane two or three hours before registration opens !
Also platforms are now being added and distringuished from stops also for buses. PTv2 is now becoming a reality, several years after its approval, because we need now more precise data. — Verdy_p (talk) 23:29, 3 November 2016 (UTC)