Humanitarian OSM Team/Core Impact Area Datasets , Use cases & Data Quality Metrics

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Core Impact Area Datasets & Use cases

Data use case Impact Area Examples Sample services Datasets What's important for this use case?
Urban planning: Urban landscapes are mapped for informed urban planning
Sustainable Communities Public transportation planning

Administrative navigation for census (place names)

Urban planning/zonning analysis.(residential vs commercial, green space, etc)

Population/demographic estimations for service delivery

Education service delively planning (school placement)

Existing road conditions, road planning

Informal Settlements - locations and inclusion
Populated places Names of subdivisions within communities and urban areas - wards, neighborhoods, cartiers, etc.
Buildings Overall coverage, and change over time
Roads Coverage of paved / well maintained roads
Public transport Types, routes, and accessibility
Administrative boundaries
Access to services: How to access and improve the availability of basic services
Accessibility of: education, health, clean water, sanitation

Functioning of: [public] transport systems, solid waste disposal, drainage
Education facilites
Water Points
Logistics planning for aid delivery and evacuation(s). Disasters & Climate Resilience Road datasets are used for planning during relief material delivery and evacuation services during disaster response. Distance (road length & type) can be used to calculate time and fuel for evacuation. Roads Access constraints - where can certain types of vehicles pass? Need to know 'surface' (paved or not, all weather or seasonal), secondary 'width'.
Awareness of locations of population centers, and routing towards those Place Names
Locate impacted areas and damaged infrastructure Identification of population at risk or affected. Extent of disaster and infrastructure (shelter, services, etc) impacted. Buildings
Risk analyses to identify vulnerable infrastructure and population Buildings, roads, waterways, land use etc create risk maps - help identify pre-disaster work and prioritize recovery

Fire hazard analysis
Flood hazard analysis
Disaster preparedness and mitigation - infrastructure, coping capacity, etc Flood resilience
Evacuation centers
At risk infrastructure & mitigation
Evacuation Centers
Buildings & highways
Increase resiliency by understanding socio-economic climate impacts Drought
Accessibility of health facilities Public Health Spatial distribution of health facilities is critical in decision making while planning on where to allocate and build facilities

Catchment areas and barriers - Open Routing Services (ORS) use OSM roads to calculate and create isochrones indicating the locations of people who can access the health facility in a specified time.

Speciality tag is used to tell which health facilities peovide specific specialities like antenatal care and vaccination services.
Health Facilities
Healthcare programming logistics planning & surveillance (vaccination delivery, malarial campaigns, patient origin tracing, etc). Patient origins and contact tracing, Operational planning for antenatal care, and vaccination services.

Place names are used for tracing the origins of the patients in case they need to refer or evacuate them using ambulance services Place Names
Camp service availability analysis Displacement
& Safe Migration
Refugee/IDP site locations

Markets and cash based assistance

(Cellular) networks

Available public services like health facilities, sanitation facilities, water points, that will be used by the refugees
Refugee sites
Health Facilities
Water Points
General Social services (also in urban/non-camp settings) Food, shelters, etc open to migrants - border & disaster adjacent regions?


Legal status & services
Wash/sanitation facilities
Gender Teenage pregnancy healthcare Health Facilities
Gender-based violence & FGM Shelter/Buildings
Accessibility of HIV Facilities Social Facilities

Data Quality Metrics

Dataset Data representation Data Quality category # Measurement Metric Metric type
Roads Data type: area or way

Primary key:
highway=motorway | primary | secondary | tertiary | unclassified | residential

Secondary keys:
Completeness Roads-1 Number of kilometers of roads as compared to buildings in the same area.
Proposal: “percentage of buildings within <x> meters of a maintained road (highway=unclassified or higher)”

(direct link to SDG indicator 9.1.1 - )
Data gap indicator
Roads-2 Number of major roads (motorway, primary, secondary, tertiary) with an end node. Proposal: “Major roads (motorway, primary, secondary, tertiary) that suddenly transition or end: 1, transition to a classification of unclassified or lower; 2, that end and don’t connect to another highway; 3, orphaned nodes”. Direct mapper feedback/Data gap indicator
Roads-3 Comparative coverage vs third party datasets Proposal: Use the Kontur analysis & request more raw data insights from them Data gap indicator
Roads-4 Number of nodes per segment
Semantic Accuracy Roads-5 How long does the highway change a tag without a junction?
Roads-6 Segmented roads with opposite directions - that are tagged as `oneway`
Roads-7 Valid value for `highway` tag number of highways with bad tag values Direct mapper feedback
Roads-8 Roads with a `surface` tag Data gap indicator
Waterways Data type: way

Primary key:
waterway=river | stream | canal | ditch | drain
Positional Accuracy Waterways-1 Comparing water flow and altitude - water flows to low lands
Waterways-2 Coarse tracing. Define what's a reasonable metric?
- Comparing waterways geometries/shapes with other datasets
- Long distance between nodes - and sharp angles
- (Too) Long segments
Waterways-3 Segmented waterways (with the same value for `waterway`) with opposite directions
Completeness Waterways-5 Comparative study from hydrological models
Buildings Data type: area

Primary key:
building=yes (TM/remote)
building=<value list>

Additional data:
Positional Accuracy Buildings-1 Count of buildings overlapping other features Number of bad geometries (overlaps) - Direct mapper feedback
Buildings-2 Flagging unrealistic intersections like waterways and railway line crossing buildings Number of bad geometries (overlaps) - Direct mapper feedback
Buildings-3 Measure OSM history for geometry adjustment.
Buildings-4 Unsquared tracing on squared buildings
Buildings-5 Advanced auto-derived offset from strava heatmap
Buildings-6 Percentage of OSM data deviation against GPS traces
Completeness Buildings-7
Semantic Accuracy Buildings-8 Invalid values - such as building=building or building=no
Water Points
Water management
Data type: node

Primary key:
amenity=drinking_water | water_point
man_made=water_well | water_tap | borehole

Secondary keys:
Semantic Accuracy Waterpoints-1 Minimum tag requirements for the water points data models Number of features with incomplete/required tags - Direct mapper feedback
Completeness Waterpoints-2 Density of water points in relation to buildings/population # of water points per 1,000 inhabitants (adjust scale - perhaps 10k or 100k yields better outputs?)

Heatmap. Inhabitants calculated from bulidings * a country's average household size. Group by adm2 or adm3 boundaries?
- Data gap indicator
Sanitation Data type: node

Primary key:

Secondary keys:
Positional Accuracy Sanitation-1 Density of sanitation facilities in urban areas - Data gap indicator
Completeness Sanitation-2 Health facilities with no sanitation within close proximity (x meters) Number of health facilities with no sanitation facilities with in xx meters - Data gap indicator
Semantic Accuracy Sanitation-3 Minimum tag requirements for saninitation data models
Place Names Data type: node, area, relation

Primary key:

Additional data:
Semantic Accuracy Place-1 Use of local languages in tagging
Place names vs offical administrative names
Place-2 Place=* must be accompanied by a `name` tag Number of features with incomplete tags - Direct mapper feedback
Positional Accuracy Place-3
Completeness Place-4 Comparative gap analysis between data from government agencies that are mandated to map boundaries. Differences in admin units from OSM data and authoritative data - Data gap indicator
Place-5 Spatial distribution of place names and data points
Place-6 Map labelling information for place names
Refugee sites Data type: point, area

Primary key:

Secondary keys:
Completeness Refugee-1 Shelter - compare to UNHCR data & estimated IDP & refugee populations
Refugee-2 Coverage and completeness of (formal) refugee and IDP camps
(compare to UNHCR camp sites - )
Completeness of sites with `amenity=refugee_site` - including name tag
Semantic Accuracy Refugee-3 Minimum tag requirements Number of features with incomplete tags - Direct mapper feedback
Health Facilities Data type: node, area

Primary key:
amenity=clinic | doctors | hospital | pharmacy

Secondary keys:
emergency=yes | no
Completeness Health-1 Percentage of representation in comparison datasets provided by the government or other agencies like UN
Health-2 Health sites coverage in populated areas (estimated catchment area & density per population?) # of health facilities per 10,000 inhabitants (adjust scale - perhaps 100k or 1m yields better outputs?)

Heatmap. Inhabitants calculated from buildings * a country's average household size. Group by adm2 or adm3 boundaries?
- Data gap indicator
Semantic Accuracy Health-3 Comparative measure of minimum attributes using data models Number of features with incomplete tags
Number of features with bad tag values
- Direct mapper feedback
Health-4 Percentage of hospitals and clinics with a `name` Number of health facilities with and without required name tag expressed as percentages - Data gap indicator
Completeness Health-5
Education facilites Data type: node, area (to denote school grounds)

Primary key:
amenity=school | kindergarten | college | university

Secondary keys:
landuse=education (for an area)
Completeness Education-1 Comparing education facilities with population Number of administrative units with populations missing the required number of education facilities - Data gap indicator
Semantic Accuracy
Positional Accuracy Education-2 Deviation of "amenity=school" from "building=school/classroom"
Waste disposal
Solid waste management sites
Data type: node, area (landuse=landfill)

Primary key:

Secondary keys:
Completeness waste-1 Minimum tag requirements for waste_disposals Number of features (nodes) with incomplete/required tags - Direct mapper feedback
waste-2 Bad value (tagging waste=* with values off the data model) Number of features (nodes) with bad values - Direct mapper feedback
Administrative boundaries Data type: area (relational)

Primary key:

Secondary keys:
Completness Admin-1 Comparative analysis of admin boundaries in OSM with other authoritative boundaries Differences in number of statistical unitis - Data gap indicator
Admin-2 Comparative analysis of admin boundaries in OSM with other authoritative boundaries Differences in the geometries and shapes of authoritative boundaries - Data gap indicator
Public Transport Data type: way

Primary key:
public_transport = platform | stop_position | station| stop_areas

Additional keys:
Incompleteness Public_transport-1 Minimum tag requirements for public_transport Number of features with incomplete tags - Direct mapper feedback
Logical consistency Public_transport-2 route=* matching the logical location of the features Mis-matching tags for the logical features - Direct mapper feedback
Financial Services & Markets Data type: node, area (market buildings/grounds)

Primary key:

Secondary keys:

Semantic Accuracy Markets-1 Minimum tag requirements for marketplaces Number of features with incomplete tags - Direct mapper feedback
Landuse Data type: node, area
Primary key:

Other keys:
Positional Accuracy Landuse-1 Unrealistic overlaps like institutional overlapping industrial, cemetary overlapping residential Bad geometries - Direct mapper feedback
Semantic Accuracy Landuse-2 Wrong tagging Number of features with bad values - Direct mapper feedback
Agency use

- Entry

- Registration

- Reception

- Government office

- NGO office

- Outreach

Data type: node
Primary key:

Secondary keys:
Semantic Accuracy Office-1 Wrong tagging Number of features with bad values - Direct mapper feedback
Semantic Accuracy Office-2 Minimum tag requirements for offices Number of features with incomplete tags - Direct mapper feedback