Humanitarian OSM Team/Meetings/Board/27 April 2021

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HOT Board Meeting April 27, 2021, 14:30 UTC


  • Kate Chapman
  • Felix Delattre
  • Rob Baker
  • Emmanuel (Maning) Sambale
  • Tyler Radford
  • Gertrude (Trudy Hope) Namitala
  • Miriam Gonzalez
  • Rachel VanNice
  • Ben Abelshausen






  • Gabor Bakos
  • Pete Masters
  • Sam Colchester
  • William Evans.
  • Janet Chapman
  • Saliou Abdou
  • Tommy Charles
  • Chad Blevins
  • Russell Deffner
  • Rory Nealon
  • Mary Marcellinus


Miriam Gonzalez

Call to order

Meeting called to order at 14:33 UTC by Chair Miriam Gonzalez.



Approval of Previous Minutes

Approval of the previous minutes (March)

Motion by Felix: Approve the March minutes.

Motion approved.

Previous Action Items

  1. Clarification statement on the roles of committees and working groups (All) - WIP
  2. Board to review the draft of the whistleblower process (Felix/Tyler) - WIP
  3. Review slides from Tyler and reach out to Governance Working Group (GWG) afterwards around advisory group structure for the board (Ben) - Pending
  4. Adjust and share the HOT-OSMF MOU draft (Ben) - WIP
  5. Next GWG meeting date to be confirmed by Board’s executive assistant with Ben (Felix) - Done
  6. Delegate to Community Working Group to choose individuals to give 5 minute updates (Felix) - Done
  7. Risk Management workshop: send an invitation to the Board to attend (Felix) - Done
  8. Reach out to facilitators to get feedback on their participation [for screen-to-screen sessions]. (Miriam) - Done
  9. Conduct screen-to-screen session (Miriam) - Done
  10. DocuSign Dec 2020, Jan and Feb 2021 Board meeting minutes (Miriam) - Pending
  11. Screen-to-screen meeting : Propose a hybrid option using Doodle, based on Allen’s availability (Miriam) - Done
  12. Community spotlight during HOT Board meetings: Table this topic for the next Board meeting (Miriam) - Done
  13. Follow up from Strategy Committee side and consolidate communication with voting membership (Rob) - WIP
  14. Put a Strategy Plan together with the Strategy Committee (Rob) - WIP
  15. Complete the group of the Code of Conduct (Trudy, Kate) - Pending
  16. SOTM Africa Committee - coordinate a quick meeting (Trudy) - Done
  17. SOTM Africa: send an email to the Board regarding a meeting date with HOT (Trudy) - Done

Circular resolutions approved since previous meeting

None to report.

Contracts approved since previous meeting

  • 03/25/2021; Credit agreement; Microsoft; An additional donation (in the form of Azure credits) under the ML Tags for Damage Assessment in OSM project.
  • 04/01/2021; Subcontract agreement: USAID/DAI; Zambia Local Impact Governance Activity.


Operations update

Presenting: Tyler - HOT Monthly Roundup - April 2021

Due to the length of this Monthly Roundup, only items suggested by the HOT Teams and staff were presented, who had asked for assistance or Board input on the following points:


Partnerships Team

  • Alot has been happening with Corporate partnerships for International Womens’ Day and Humanitarian Impact partnerships supporting other NGOs that are using, or contributing to, OpenStreetMap data
  • The team has asked the Board for ideas on potential new Humanitarian Impact partners, that the Board thinks that HOT can, or should be, working with.These are not necessarily financial donors, but NGOs that HOT can be supporting or community organisations that HOT can support to better use OSM in their work. Please send in suggestions according to the emails in the Roundup.

Monitoring,Evaluation, Research Learning Team (MERL)

  • Theory of Change workshops have been held. The Theory of Change is a way for HOT to articulate the impact HOT wants to have on the world and the different pathways through which HOT’s activities help achieve that. A draft document is available by clicking on the link in the Monthly Roundup and comments or feedback can be provided directly in the document. The goal is to have a 1 page diagram which depicts all the categories that HOT does, outputs from those things, outcomes and impacts that HOT would like to achieve through its work.

HOT Summit 2021

  • Planning is underway and it will be a virtual event, held after SOTM Africa, on 22 November 2021.


The Board thanked the Community WG for their work on the “Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem” and encouraged people to watch the video. The ED added that this is the most viewed and participated webinar that HOT has organised.

The Board asked the ED the following questions:

  • What are the next steps for the Theory Of Change?
  • The ED clarified that comments and feedback are requested by the end of this week which will be applied to a second and more final version which will be shared.
  • What are the expectations of the HUBs and how will their achievements be measured?
  • The ED responded that two HUBs have skeleton staff - Eastern/Southern Africa and Asia/Pacific. These regional directors are putting together their own objectives and key results. ED’s directive to the HUBs is that from July onwards they are to run activities from the regions and start distributing funding. Up until then it is still in a research and preparation stage.

HOT Europe registration

Presenting: Tyler, Rachel

The ED explained that the original purpose for HOT to register in Europe was administrative and to reduce costs (and potentially pursue funding opportunities that would happen outside Europe). The goals for registering in Europe are very different to registering in other regions such as the Philippines and Indonesia.

HOT has been requesting legal advice for the past 1.5 years on how to register HOT in Europe. A document brief of legal resources and criteria has been sent to the Board, as has a comparison document comparing 5 European countries and their criteria. The countries which best fulfil HOT’s criteria and requirements are Germany and The Netherlands. An assessment needs to be done to see which of these best align with HOT’s goals. The team at HeiGIT, Germany, have expressed an interest to support HOT’s registration in the EU.


  • The Board thought that there is a need to assess the strategic level, have a strategy between global HOT Inc and local HOT organisations and Boards, and asked who is going to address this. The Board requested that the membership be involved early in this process.

Executive Committee update

Presenting: Felix

The Board Statement on Committee and Working Groups has been reviewed and was also discussed later in the meeting under agenda item 6.6 Statement on committees and working groups.

At the Governance Working Group meeting, the Board has identified some initial and potential changes to the Bylaws for members to vote on in the next election. Support has been requested from the ED with legal assistance.

It has been identified that a Board rules and policies document needs to be written and that some of the Bylaws pertaining to the Board can be written in this document instead. The aim is to produce this document before the next Board election, leverage Board knowledge from the current Board to the next Board and be able to communicate more properly to potential Board candidates as to what is expected of them as Board members. This document was also discussed later in the meeting under agenda item 6.8 Board policy document.

Code of Conduct committee update

Presenting: Trudy

A meeting needs to be scheduled.

Strategy Committee update

Presenting: Maning

No meeting was held in April 2021 nor March 2021 due to no quorum. The last meeting was held in February 2021.


  • The Board was reminded that this committee is open to membership who are interested in attending, as was seen at last year’s meetings.

Statement on Committees and Working Groups

Presenting: Felix

The Board Statement document

The Board has written a document about the role of Committees and Working Groups. The Executive Committee has sought agreement amongst its members. Creation of new email addresses is being investigated where missing.


  • The Board would like a call-to-action on how people can participate. This point will be left open so that information can be added as to how people can participate.

Motion by Felix: Ratify this document while small adjustments continue to be made.

Motion approved.

Motion by Felix: Ask technical staff to put this on the website.

Motion approved.

Screen-to-screen session

Presenting: Miriam

This was held on 24 April with advisor, Allen Gunn. The main goals were to see where the HOT Board is right now before the election and how to have a continuity of the Board after election. The meeting went well and there were many outcomes for the immediate future and for the long term. This was a hybrid meeting, the first of 2 meetings, the second will be in the next Board term to assist with the continuity of the Board.

Board policy document

Presenting: Ben

An ongoing draft of this document is available here, ideas have been taken from GWG notes, the screen-to-screen session on 24 April 2021 and from past Board meetings.

The goal is to write formal rules that the Board has been following to make it easier for future Boards to implement, as well as fix some issues, for example, what to do if a Board member resigns shortly before an election.

A Board policy document will make it easier to implement because these rules don’t need to be written into the Bylaws making this document more efficient and flexible if future Boards want to handle situations differently and change the rules.

The Board is to review this document by the Executive Committee meeting, with initial comments and feedback for example, collective acceptable response times. If everything hasn’t been finalised in the document before the election, then to use what is finalised and remove what is still under review.

Community presentation

Presenting: Miriam

This invitation has started with this Board meeting.


  • There have been no requests to present at this meeting and the Board is looking forward to hearing from the community about their projects, achievement and challenges.

Other business

Presenting: All

Community WG new ToR

This started in October/November 2020 and has gone through a round of consultations. This is the final draft by a smaller working group of 10 people which is made up of 50/50 staff and other community members. No negative comments have been received from the rest of the WG participants.


The Board needs to approve this document for it to be the official ToR.

Questions from voting members

The Board really enjoyed seeing so many members attend the meeting.

Community WG

The WG’s event this month is hosting the launch of GeoOSM, a national OSM infrastructure project that OSM Senegal have been working on and Voting Members are very involved in this.

Tabled topics

The following are not reflected in the notes because there have been no action since the last Board meeting.

  • Financial committee update (committee did not meet, but will be meeting Friday, April 30th)
  • Role of local boards (waiting for feedback from Governance WG and screen-to-screen)
  • Approval of staff contracts (waiting for feedback from screen-to-screen)
  • Strategic plan 2022-2025 (waiting for feedback from strategy committee)
  • Whistleblower process (needs input; it is in action items)

New Action Items

  1. Review HOT Advisory Group slides from Tyler - See who has replied/reviewed and email Board members to action (Inna) - Pending
  2. HOT Advisory Group slides from Tyler - after Board review, reach out to GWG around advisory group structure for the board (Ben) - Pending
  3. Adjust and share the HOT-OSMF MOU draft - ask HOT Staff for assistance (who have worked with the MOU for OsGEO) (Ben) - Pending
  4. Review OsGEO MOU (All) - Pending
  5. Provide input to HOT’s community health research project (All) - Pending
  6. Email ideas on potential new Humanitarian Impact partners to ED or Head of Partnerships (All) - Pending
  7. Provide comments or feedback on the Theory of Change draft document (All) -Pending
  8. Discuss scheduling of the Regional Directors’ presentation of their OKRs and plans for the coming months at the May Board meeting (Miriam) - Pending
  9. Discuss scheduling of HOT Senior Leadership’s presentation of HOT’s overall OKRs for the May Board meeting (Miriam) - Pending
  10. Record the OKR presentations for Board to view before the May Board meeting (Miriam) - Pending
  11. HOT Europe registration - Send email to the membership telling them about this process of incorporation in Europe and ask for their feedback (Tyler) - Pending
  12. HOT Europe registration - Board to review all documents provided by HOT and linked above and provide comments and feedback (Miriam) - Pending
  13. HOT Europe registration - Schedule a meeting with Board members to talk about expectations and registration of HOT in the EU (Felix) - Pending
  14. Code of Conduct Committee - schedule a meeting with Kate and Trudy (Inna) - Pending
  15. Strategy Committee meetings - invite membership 1 to 2 weeks before the meeting and ask if they want to discuss anything, even, if no agenda is yet available (Inna) - Pending
  16. Board’s Statement on Committees and Working Groups - Ask technical staff to put this document on the website (Felix) - Pending
  17. Community WG new ToR - Board to approve the new ToR (Inna) - Pending
  18. Community WG new ToR - organise motion in Loomio to approve the draft. To be done by the next Board meeting (Inna) - Pending
  19. Approval of staff contracts - add this to the next Executive Committee Comm meeting and report back at the next Board meeting (Inna) - Pending

Next board meeting

May 25, 2021 14:30 UTC


Chair Miriam Gonzalez declared the meeting adjourned at 16:48 UTC

Minutes approved

These board meeting minutes were approved on 25 May 2021.