IET Import

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“Instituto de Estudos do Territorio” (IET), Xunta de Galicia ([1]) is a Galician land information service. IET is a public institution of the regional government of Galicia (Spain): Xunta de Galicia. Its main goal is to study and to improve the Galician land information and to support local institutions in work related to territorial services.

IET has granted us, the OSM community, a permission to incorporate all of their data. The objective of this page is to describe the possibilities that IET data offers us and to list the projects linked to it.

information sign


IET hosts valuable information to improve Galician land information. This institution hosts its data at ([2]).

There there's data of interest for us such as administrative divisions (like civil parishes), hydrographic networks (rivers and lakes), land, maritime and air transport communication networks, natural protected areas (natural parks or Natura 2000 network) or Camiño de Santiago (Way of Saint James).

Here we state the license under which their data was liberated and to describe its content. After data, and in order to be consistent, we describe how imported IET data should be tagged. Finally, we list some possible projects to start with.


“Instituto de Estudos do Territorio” (IET) currently hosts its information in and open way but subject to some conditions. For example, they beg for their information not to be modified or changed in substantial way so it’s denigrated and require the editors to cite the IET when its data is used. See (in Galician language) to read the entire set of conditions.

After being requested, IET granted the OSM community the possibility to use all of their data to improve OSM. In this first signed letter, IET stated that their data is compatible with the CC BY 4.0 license, therefore we shall be able to use it for OSM. In a second signed waiver, they grant the OSM community a permission to use their data, specifically stating that citing “IET – Xunta de Galicia” in our Contributors page on this wiki is sufficient to provide attribution to “IET" in a"reasonable manner" and that they waive the Section 2(a)(5)(B) of the CC BY 4.0.

The letters singed by the IET, and that grant that permissions, state:


The Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia) follows the recommendations in terms of geographic data and services policy defined by the Spanish National Cartographic System. IET is a Xunta de Galicia Institute dedicated to Land Planning. At this sense, we inform you that the information contained in all IET data products available in its portal are published under a global, permanent and non-revocable license, compatible with a CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons attribution 4.0), that allows all kind of exploitation and use.

Therefore the mentioned information can be integrated in OpenStreetMap cartography without any limitation of restriction, with the only conditions of attributing the authorship of IET – Xunta de Galicia, in the way stated the license published in Información Xeográfica de Galicia Download Centre

Your faithfully, 

Santiago de Compostela, 26th April 2019

Guillermo Evia Pérez
General Director of IET, Xunta de Galicia”
“Permission to Incorporate CC BY Data Into OpenStreetMap

With respect to "data hosted at", "Instituto de Estudos do Territorio (IET) of Xunta de Galicia", agrees to the following:

1. Attribution by OpenStreetMap and its users through is sufficient to provide attribution to “IET" in a"reasonable manner" in accordance with Section 3(a)(1) of the CC BY 4.0 license.

2. IET waives Section 2(a)(5)(B) of the CC BY 4.0 license as to OpenStreetMap and its users with the understanding that the Open Database License 1.0 requires open access or parallel distribution of OpenStreetMap data.

Santiago de Compostela, 9 January 2020

Guillermo Evia Pérez
General Director of the Instituto de Estudos do Territorio (IET)”

Summarizing, IET indicated that their data is released under a CC BY 4.0 compatible license and they state that they authorise us to use their data in an ODbL compatible manner too.


IET’s data is currently hosted at “Centro de descargas” in (

Types of data

All the IET’s information hosted there, and that might be subject to an import process, is:

  • Population entities
    • Cities, villages or places
  • Administrative limits
    • Autonomous community
    • Provinces
    • Councils
    • Municipalities
    • Civil parishes
  • Hydrography
    • Rivers
    • Lakes, lagoons and dams
  • Transport network
    • Airports and airfields
    • Roads and highways
    • Railways
    • Camiño de Santiago (Way of Saint James)
  • Natural protected areas
    • Galician protected areas (such as natural parks or natural monuments)
    • Nature 2000 network
    • Other protected areas (declared by international treaties)
    • Biosphere reserves (a UNESCO project)

Data import

Data import workflow

IET's data import will differ in the their workflow. Some of them can be completed in a single process and others in multiples steps. Some datasets, like natural spaces, were imported in one single step process carried out by one single person, other datasets could require a group collaboration. Some data must be carefully imported to avoid duplicates, eg. villages as an example.

Each dataset of interest will have its own project page. There the main objective, coordinator/s and the progress of the import progress will be listed and updated continuously.

In general, imports related to IET data ought to be tagged adding this information:

  • comment=Instituto de Estudos do Territorio (IET), Xunta de Galicia, subset REFERENCE_OF_SUBSET (Where REFERENCE_OF_SUBSET is the name of the dataset imported, ie. “Entidades de poboación”)
  • source=Instituto de Estudos do Territorio (IET), Xunta de Galicia
  • source:date=2011-05-10 (Which is the date of creation of that dataset. It can be obtained opening the html description file.)
  • import=yes
  • url=

Editions are committed as each data import projects defines.


Main page in gl: Project progress.

Population entities

Project of importing o updating cities, villages or places information and position following IET’s data.

  • Objective: import cities, villages and other type of elements (like those indicating mountains’ or valleys’ names) that weren’t mapped yet.
  • Data source: “Entidades de poboación”.
  • Type of import: one single process/coordinated project
  • Tags: place=city, place=town, place=village

Administrative limits

Project to import and /or update the administrative divisions of the territory. Mainly, it’d mean adding the administrative entities of “civil parishes”.

  • Objective: import the boundaries of civil parishes and add/update other administrative limits, if needed.
  • Data source: “Comunidade Autónoma”, “Provincias”, “Comarcas”, “Concellos” and “Parroquias”
  • Type of import: coordinated project
  • Tags: boundary=administrative


Project for adding or updating the river flows, lakes and other hydrographic information.

  • Objective: import the full river flows, lakes or ponds, dams or similar hydrographical singularities.
  • Data source: “Ríos”, "Encoros”.
  • Type of import: coordinated project
  • Tags: natural=water + water=river

Transport network

Project for adding or updating the Galician transport network.

  • Objective: complete or update the terrestrial, maritime and aerial transport lines and services.
  • Data source: “Aeródromos”, “Estradas”, “Ferrocarril-AVE”.
  • Type of import: coordinated project
  • Tags: highway=*, train=*, aeroway=*, dock=*

Camiño de Santiago

Project for adding or improving Way of Saint James’ paths in the Galician territory. This phase would follow the OSM "Camiño de Santiago" project [3], continuing it.

  • Objective: add Way of Saint James’ paths.
  • Data source: “Camiño de Santiago”
  • Type of import: one single process/coordinated project
  • Tags: type=route, route=hiking, pilgrimage=Camiño de Santiago...
pilgrimage=Camiño de Santiago
int_name=Camiño de Santiago 	

Natural protected areas

Project for updating Galician protected areas, such as natural parks or natural monuments.

  • Objective: add or update every Galician protected area, the local Nature 2000 network, other protected areas recognised by international treaties (such as Ramsar Convention) and delimit Biosphere Reserves (Man and the Biosphere Programme, Unesco).
  • Data source: “Rede Natura 2000”, “Rede Galega de espazos protexidos”, “Outros espazos protexidos”, “Reservas da Biosfera”
  • Type of import: one single process
  • Tags: boundary=protected_area + protect_class=1 to 99 + protection_title=park name (See Tag:boundary=protected_area)
  • Status: finished.