Import/Pavia Buildings

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Pavia Buildings is an import of Comune di Pavia - CC-BY 3.0 dataset covering Pavia in Italy by User icon 2.svgsimone (on osm). The import is currently completed but a clean-up (as of 24 may 2023) is needed.


Import buildings.


February 2012.


  • it:pv:pavia:ANNO_SOGLI: The values of this tag were copied as start_date=* values. About 99% of the values fall into 7 distinct years (1880, 1975, 1963, 1935, 1986, 1913, 2010), so it is unlikely that they represent the start_date=*. If an element has identical it:pv:pavia:ANNO_SOGLI and start_date=* values, the latter is probably incorrect and should be deleted or replaced with a general "before" value, such as start_date=before 1986 for it:pv:pavia:ANNO_SOGLI=1986. Overpass query: LINK
  • it:pv:pavia:UN_VOL_POR: Portion type ("tipo di porzione"). This value provides information about the building. For example, the value 301 indicates "on the ground," 303 stands for "porch ceiling," 302 represents "subway ceiling," 305 corresponds to "loggia ceiling," 308 denotes "underground," and so on. An analysis is needed to convert these values into building=* or building:part=* values, and then they can be deleted.
UN_VOL_POR description (it) osm key
0301 al suolo ?
0303 soffitto di portico ?
0304 soffitto di sottopassaggio ?
0305 soffitto di loggia ?
0308 sotterranea ?
  • it:pv:pavia:EDIFC_USO: Building use category ("categoria d'uso di edificio"). Analysis is required to determine how these values can be used to identify the building:use=* value.
EDIFC_USO description (it) osm key
0201 residenziale building:use=residential
0208 industrial building:use=industrial
020804 depuratore ?
020399 ? ?
02030102 sede di ospedale ?
  • it:pv:pavia:EDIFC_STAT: Analysis is needed to determine how these values can be used to identify the building=* or building:use=* value.
EDIFC_STAT description (it) osm key
0401 in costruzione building=construction
0402 diruto, rudere ?
0403 costruito building=*
  • it:pv:pavia:EDIFC_TY: Building typology ("tipologia edilizia"). Analysis is needed to determine how these values can be used to identify the building=* value.
EDIFC_TY description (it) osm key
0101 generica ?
0102 palazzo a torre, grattacielo ?
0103 edificio monumentale ?
010301 edificio monumentale - castello building=castle
010303 edificio monumentale - palazzo ?
0104 villa ?
0105 villetta a schiera ?
0108 capannone ?
0109 edificio rurale ?
0111 chiesa, basilica ?
0117 mulino ?
  • it:pv:pavia:ID_EDIF: Not all imported buildings are actual standalone buildings; some are building:part=* of larger building=* outlines. These buildings can be identified because they share the same it:pv:pavia:ID_EDIF value. Consequently, these buildings should be changed to building:part=* and included within a single building outline that contains all the shared values and the tallest height=* value from all parts, following the Simple 3D Buildings schema. Once this process is completed, this tag can be deleted.

See also