Leeds Bins 2020

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Leeds Bins is an import of Leeds City Council's dataset of public bins and recycling point which is of type GeoJson covering Leeds, UK.


Currently, OSM has limited mapping of bins in the area, so the main aim of importing this dataset is to improve mapping of the area. The import is being done by ODI Leeds on behalf of Leeds City Council as part of a wider project involving analysis on the locations of bins and amounts of waste. We are also developing a tool (web app) to allow council employees to quickly add bins to OSM.


Work started on preparing and checking the data in March 2020. We expect that the import will be complete early April. The OSM GB mailing list has been contacted and feedback was all positive.

Import Data


Data source site: https://datamillnorth.org/dataset/litter-bin-locations
Data license: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/
Type of license: OGLv3
ODbL Compliance verified: Yes

OSM Data Files

Will be added shortly.

Import Type

This is a one-time import and will be automated using the upload.py scripts.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

Duplicates in the dataset will be removed. A number of attributes will not be included (see Tagging Plan below). Also, bins which are already on OSM will not be added (see Conflation section below for details)

Tagging Plans

All bins will be tagged with amenity:waste_basket or amenity:recycling. The below table shows how attributes will be mapped to OSM tags. Some attributes will not be included.

Source Attribute Tag Notes
OBJECTID ref:UK:lcc:bin Council bin specific asset ID
LOCATION - Unnecessary
MODEL waste_basket:model e.g "square twin with lid"
CONDITION condition good/fair/poor
DEFECTS - Too transient.
COMMENTS operator This always refers to the operator
FREQUENCY collection_times Bin collection days
BINID - Duplicate of OBJECTID

Changeset Tags

We will tag the changeset with comment 'Leeds CC Bin Import 2020' and source 'Leeds City Council'

Data Transformation

GeoJson will be converted to OSM XML using the osm-and-geojson tool.

Data Transformation Results

Will be posted shortly.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

The project as a whole involves a team of 3. The import will be done solo with input from the team and local OSM community.


The data will be converted to OSM XML, tagging as above. The upload.py set of scripts will then be used to create an OSMChange file. A changeset will be opened with the appropriate comment and source. The script will be used to upload the OSMChange file, then the changeset will be closed. This process has already been tested on the development API and was a success. It is unlikely that reversion will be required, however if it is, we are comfortable reverting the changeset using scripts or JOSM.


The dataset has been compared against an export from OSM to identify potential duplicates. We identified a small number <30 which are potential duplicates. These will not be included in the initial import, but we will manually review some using JOSM or another manual editor.


As this data used by Leeds City Council, they are confident that is accurate. Council employees will have access to a tool we are building to allow them to modify/add bins as necessary. It is also hoped that the local community will assist.

See also

The email to the Imports mailing list was sent on YYYY-MM-DD and can be found in the archives of the mailing list at [1].