MLIT ISJ/import2019 outline

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Ichi Sansho Joho Import 2019 is an import of Ichi Sansho Joho (also called ISJ) dataset which is of type node covering (broad location in Japan). The import is currently 2019 September at the planning stage.


ISJ dataset is very reliable and accurate dataset of Japanese place name. It contains administrative place name only. Not for natural place name.

The goal of this import is to improve coverage of Japanese place name using ISJ.

And by doing this import, it could improve normalization of place name data in Japan.


Total number of municipalities (data files) to be imported: 1909

  • 2021/04/XX Target municipalities that do not require merging of imported data with existing data (Number of targets: 514)
  • 2021/05/XX Target municipalities that require merging of imported data with existing data and have less than 30 data to be merged (Targeted number: 748)
  • 2021/05/XX Target municipalities that require merging of imported data with existing data and have less than 100 data to be merged (Targeted number: 407)
  • 2021/06/XX Consider whether to do for municipalities that need to merge imported data with existing data and have more than 100 data to be merged (target: 237)

TBD for detail.

Import Data


Data source site:
Data license:
Type of license (if applicable): Original. It is similar to CC BY (attribution).
Link to permission (if required): OSMFJ got permission to use this dataset in OpenStreetMap (2012
OSM attribution (if required):
ODbL Compliance verified: yes

OSM Data Files

Import Type

This is one time import.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

No reduction or Simplification is planned.

Tagging Plans

""大字・町丁目レベル位置参照情報" dataset has following data scheme.

> source:

項目 定義 記述例 OSM Tagging
都道府県コード JIS都道府県コード "13" no use. Reference number of Prefecture
都道府県名 当該範囲の都道府県名 "東京都" no use. Name of Prefecture
市区町村コード JIS市区町村コード "13101" no use. Reference number of Municipality
市区町村名 当該範囲の市区町村名
"千代田区" no use. Name of Municipality
大字町丁目コード 大字町丁目コード
"131010005002" no use. This dataset original ID of the quarter/neighbourhood.
大字町丁目名 当該範囲の大字・町丁目名
"霞が関二丁目" name=*
Name of quarter/neighbourhood.
緯度 十進経緯度(単位:度、小数点以下第6位まで、半角) "35.676155" latitude
経度 十進経緯度(単位:度、小数点以下第6位まで、半角) "139.751075" longitude
原典資料 大字・町丁目位置参照情報作成における原典資料を表すコード
"1" no use. Source of this information. Affect on geometrical Accuracy.
カテゴリ 大字/字/丁目の区別を表すコード
"3" 1: place=quarter (Major neighborhood)
2: place=neighbourhood (Minor neighborhood)
3: place=neighbourhood (Minor neighborhood)
4: place=locality (unknown or "so called" place name. most of them are place name in Kyoto area)

place=quarter or neighborhood?

Japanese place name structure has definition about quarter/neighbourhood as following.

大字・町 place = quarter admin_level=9
字・小字・丁目 place=neighbourhood admin_level=10

According to this structure, `丁目` (category 3) lines should be divided into 2 column (quarter & neighbuorhood).

But we do not divide `丁目` into 2 stratum in this import action.

Reason is followings.

Issues on separation

  1. There are several place name which is quite difficult to separate, such as "志布志町志布志一丁目". This could not be simply devided by "丁目" word.
  2. In Hokkaido region, citizens and municipality have different separation style such as "北1条西2丁目". (See also: talk-ja投稿)

Issues on import workflow

  1. To divide the `丁目` structure into quarter and neighbourhood, relation:boundary and role:subarea should be used to represent structure.
  2. To make a valid boundary relation, the relation have to have a boundary polygon data. (`place` node should be used as role:label)
  3. But currently, we do not have valid `丁目` level boundary open data as polygon format.
  4. So we could not use boundary relation to represent the place structure.
  5. We will divide place name, and merge it with valid polygon in future.

Changeset Tags

Data Transformation

Original data is distributed in CSV format. Meta data is as following.

  • Encoding: Shift-JIS
  • EPSG: 4612, 世界測地系(日本測地系2000)

Describe the transformations you'll need to conduct, the tools you're using, and any specific configurations or code that will be used in the transformation. TBD

Data Transformation Results

Samples are available at Github.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

At this time, only user:nyampire will do import tasks.

Possible account is followings

Aside from the import tasks, user:okadatsuneo is working trace tasks.

His working account is following.

And his working list and import procedure are described in this page.

user:nyampire and user:okadatsuneo is having continuous contacts on the Slack channel.


Surely, there are existing node of place=[quater, neighborhood or hamlet] in Japan.

Place nodes in Japan.png

To clarify the scope of work, user:nyampire has created a list of municipalities that may have potentially duplicate data to import.

In the following list, the number of place=[quarter, neighborhood or hamlet] is included in the municipality's area is clearly indicated.

Workflow & Conflation

Detailed procedure is available at

Revert Plan

user:nyampire will revert if any problems happen.


Planning to use OpenRefine to detect errors and duplicates.


See also

The email to the Imports mailing list was sent on 2021-04-02 and can be found in the archives of the mailing list at [1].