Northern Uganda Huts Import

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Northern Uganda Huts Import is an import of buildings in a small area of Northern Uganda, currently (late 2018) being proposed.


A MSc student in the Mapping: Culture and GIScience Research Group at the University of Manchester has manually digitised a set of 4,381 huts in northern Uganda as part of a machine learning project to help us to identify huts (this was the training set). We would like to donate this dataset to OSM, and if approved will likely do so via JOSM. The dataset is currently a shapefile. The dataset was manually digitised from a imagery donated by Digital Globe and is therefore verified. It was created because there was no OSM content in the area covered by the imagery, meaning that there will be no conflation / duplication issues.

We are trying to improve the map in northern Uganda as part of our work to provide prosthetic limbs to victims of Major Limb Loss (MLL) following the 1986-2005 conflict with the LRA, and have held a series of mapathons in support of this.

If you have any questions, please do contact Jonnyhuck to discuss.

Provide links to your sources.

Data source site: N/A
Data license: N/A
Type of license (if applicable): N/A
Link to permission (if required): N/A
OSM attribution (if required): N/A
ODbL Compliance verified: yes

OSM Data Files

Link to your source data files that you have prepared for the import - e.g. the .osm files you have derived from the data sources.

Import Type

This is a one time import

I will import the data manually using JOSM

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification


Tagging Plans


Changeset Tags

comment="Added missing huts" imagery_used="Digital Globe"

Data Transformation


Data Transformation Results

Post a link to your OSM XML files.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach





Detail the steps you'll take during the actual import.

Information to include:

  • Step by step instructions
  • Changeset size policy
  • Revert plans


None of the huts are currrently in OSM, therefore thee are no conflation issues.