Organised Editing/Activities/Grüne Wiese Mappping

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Mapping as part of a student project at the Technical University of Berlin (Chair of Climatology).


Red x.svg To do: Include a list of the people leading the activity or an email.


Community consultation

OSM Berlin Community as part of the "Green Oases" project, introduction by FOSSGIS e.V. on 31.10.23


#TUB-Klima #TUB-Climatology #Urban Climate Berlin #UCO Berlin



Tools and data sources

Red x.svg To do: List the tools to be used for mapping

JOSM, Fielddatacollection, Baumkataster Berlin


Measuring our success

Red x.svg To do: Show how the progress of the activity is being measured.

  • Train participants in OSM and JOSM.
  • Collaboratively map climatologically relevant properties in selected Berlin neighborhoods (in groups).
  • Compare the mapping results with existing data.
  • Utilize the collected data as input for urban climate modeling.


Red x.svg To do: Describes how to ensure that all participants follow the same mapping strategy.

First introduction by FOSSGIS e.V. on 31.10.2023 Second (all participants) on 13.11.23

Post-event clean-up

Red x.svg To do: Describes the types of data validation that are performed.


Red x.svg To do: Describes how the monthly progress and final mapping results will be shared with the community.