Proposal:School entrance for specific grade

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School entrance for specific grade
Proposal status: Canceled (inactive)
Proposed by: Ewrt1
Applies to: node
Definition: An entrance for a specific school grade/year.
Draft started: 2024-01-21


This proposal adds entrance=school_grade and school_grade=*. The new tag and key will be used for mapping entrances for a specific grade/year of school.


There are lots of schools in the world, and most schools have specific doors for specific grades/years that would be closest to the classroom. entrance=* is used because it is the existing tag for entrances, and the value of school_grade is to provide a middle spot of detail to the value.


  • entrance=school_grade should be mapped as a node. Other tags should be used if it is a different entrance for a school that is not used for a specific grade/year. Should be used in conjunction with school_grade=* + access=private + private=students.
  • school_grade=* should be used in conjunction with the tag above. Values are 1-12 for specific grades/years, kindergarten for kindergarten, and pre_school for pre-school.


Any school grade/year entrance.

Features/Pages affected

The entrance=* article.

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.