Proposal talk:Salt water from the water source

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This tag and this tag page make no sence and the content is a copy from Tag:water_source=main. If you need help with creating a page or proposing a tag feel free to ask here. --Chris2map (talk) 19:45, 17 October 2023 (UTC)

It makes sense

Certainly, it does make sense. For instance, hydrants use "water_source" as a property, and it's extremely important for fire departments to know which water they are using. Saltwater can be highly damaging to pumps and fittings here (Baltic Sea). --Systemcheck (talk) 16:37, 18 October 2023 (UTC) ← Please sign posts with --~~~~.

Hi, I see what you mean. There are two levels of issues with it in my opinion:
1.) Please avoid providing incorrect information on a normal tag or wiki page, especially in the description box parameters that are read by tools like taginfo. E.g. the status. On the two pages you created there are tag status "approved" and "voting", neither of which apply. A normal tag page documents the common use of a tag. If the content is a draft, then this should be made clear. If you want to propose a tagging you could use the "Proposal:" namespace or at least set the parameter status=proposed. It doesn't have to be a proposal process right away, but if you have time you can take a look here: Proposal process.
2.) With or without proposal it might be a good thing to discuss the suggested tag with other users. E.g. with the ones that contributed to Proposal:Fire Hydrant Extensions (part 2). I'm not completely familiar with the fire hydrant tagging. But "salt" is less a source than a property of the water. From which source is the salty water taken in your region? From the sea or from (under)ground? How do we tag the appropriate source for water_source=salt? Would it perhaps be possible to tag the fact of salt water simply by saltwater=yes? This could be used in addition to a water_source=*. --Chris2map (talk) 20:59, 18 October 2023 (UTC)