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Link to XML definition file

This article contains a link to the XML schema definition application.yml. That file is no longer at this location in the OSM trac system, as the entire api06 branch was removed by tomhughes in May 2009. So where did the application.yml file go?

The code for the main site moved from Subversion to git. This is the last version in Subversion and this the current example config file. I think the real application.yml is not checked in.
I removed the link on the page because it had nothing to do with the XML schema. --Michi 03:42, 26 October 2012 (BST)

Mapnik SVG

text is not embedded as text, which means for instance that xslt cannot readily transform to a glossary, and hence search is similarly broken, as is accessibility.

I raised this in 2005, the attached file is 'west linton' in Scotland:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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I´m not sure what you try to say with this comment...--!i! This user is member of the wiki team of OSM 12:14, 27 June 2011 (BST)

currently output maps are either png, which naturally has no text embedded, or SVG, again no <text> is embedded. I'm not really clear what about this is hard to undertstand.

You are, as far as I can tell, describing the behavior of one of the rendering applications using OSM data (probably the SVG export feature on the front page?) and suggest that the <text> element should be used to represent texts. What is hard to understand is what you are trying to achieve by posting this on the talk page of a wiki article describing the .osm file format. Wiki talk pages are usually only read by those who edit the corresponding wiki article and don't reach a wider audience. If you want to start a discussion about better use of the SVG format, a mailing list post would be more appropriate, for example. --Tordanik 21:20, 27 June 2011 (BST)
I think this topic can be removed. --Scai (talk) 22:25, 14 December 2013 (UTC)