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This document details on how to add Ski routing to OsmAnd. Keep in mind that this is but a side project, heavily sucks and is untested. Always take a paper map with you.


  1. Use your common sense
  2. Mountains are cold and dangerous
  3. Ski routing sucks
  4. Ski routing does not take closing times of lifts into account.
  5. Ski timing is unreliable
  6. Your phone battery might die. Always take a paper map with you
  7. Don't ski while drunk
  8. The map is incomplete, out of date and wrong - it might bring you in a dangerous area
  9. Use at own risk

Ski routing sucks

Before starting about ski routing on OsmAnd, it is important to know that many ski resorts are mapped quite badly.

In 99% of the cases, the ski pistes are _not_ connected to the arialways and thus _not_ routable.

Therefore, it is important to fix up your ski resort on OSM before actually going there - an excellent activity while on the train to your winter sport destination.

Common mistakes

Ski pistes not connected to arialways - sadly very common in OSM

An aerialway which is not connected to a ski piste

Ski pistes not connected to each other and ski pistes which start at the edge of an 'area'-ski piste don't work either. Connect the routable graphs instead.

Wrongly connected routes

A few other pointers

Keep junctions simple - when multiple ski pistes come together, easiest is to let them all merge at one common point.

At last, it is possible to use `piste:type=connection` to connect two aerialways in both ways (use 'piste:type=downhill' for oneways)

Also see Ski Piste Mapping


EDIT: this feature is within the released versions! Since 3.4 (released 2019-07-11), OsmAnd has a ski profile, although it has to be enabled first.

The ski map generation and routing profile is already upstreamed. Maps should have routable ski information starting in may 2019.

The routing profile is not yet activated though. Easiest is probably to take the original routing.xml, remove the 'boat' profile and rename 'ski' to boat. Then activating boat should take you skiing.

Once OsmAnd refactoring is done, it should be added.