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Victor Ferreira

Tasks & Links

Osm GO (Osm in 3D): OSM go

OSM Buildings (OSM in 3D):



OpenStreetMap Landuse


Youth mappers

Mapswipe mapping app

2016 International Year of Maps

Portable OpenStreetMap - Offline OSM server for data collection on areas without internet coverage (RedCross)

OpenMapKit - Open mobile data collection surveys for field data collection

Keypad-Mapper - Andoid mobile app for House Number editing (address)

Pushpin - IOS mobile app for POI mapping

IGN Open Data - Spain national institute for geographic data made their products open.

Geodados City of Lisbon - gereferenced data of the Lisbon city with public domain license.

Wikipedia structured lists - How to prepare structured lists of monuments from one region/country (needed for the WikiLovesMonuments Photography contest).

[ A Technical Framework for Visualizing Spatio-temporal Quality Metrics of Volunteered Geographic Information] - Article on VGI

MapGive homepage - Teaching how to map with OpenStreetMap

VGI Citizen Scien Geolab - Geolab Politecnico Milano

Learning to map in OpenStreetMap - Youtube video tutorial

OpenDRI - Open Data for resilience format (HOT-OSM)

Missing Maps - Maps for developing areas at risk

Mapillary - Phototool for mapping

OSM-CAT software (Thesis) - Thesis about a software to generate contribution summaries from OpenStreetMap XML

Making the most of OpenStreetMap with the iD editor - Tutorial with iD Editor.

WebTransCoord - Converter coordenadas entre sistemas Portugal - Osmose error checker - improve the quality of your edits.

Mapbox Studio - Mapbox desktop editor (fo rmaking personalized maps with OSM data).

Mapillary - volunteer streetview like photo mapping (they contribute data to OSM).

Mapillary iD Editor

POI recheck (shows age of last edit of the POI)

Portugal osm data extracts

Serviços e utilitários do OSM France

COmparing OSM map in 2007 and now Osm Then and Now

Twitter to OSm Notes (twitt needs to be georeferenced) Twitt to OSM

API for downloading data from OSM: Overpass-API

Download of OSM data in packages (list of cities and configurable area): BBBIKE.ORG

Convert DXF to SHP QGIS dxf2shape converter

Help improve OSM map quality through Microtasks: Maproulette

OSM rendering witn english names:

Maperitive is a desktop application which renders maps in real time using OSM and other sources of data.

List of OSM based Services: projects using especially data from OpenStreetMap.

Mapping Party Howto: Page with ideas for organizing a Mapping Party.

MapCraft: tool for tracking mapping progress during a mapping party or other coordinated project taking place in a concentrated area. It shows a cake diagram as a bunch of clickable areas, with the ability to take ownership of cake slices, as well as commenting on them, and chatting to eachother about it.

Kort Game: gamification of OSM mapping. Translated the wiki page and the app in transifex.

Mapping a blankspot: ebook about a mapping effort in Kenya.

Geographical Area

I live in Mafra and work in Lisbon, and every time i travel to other areas of Portugal i try to carry my datalloger and some printouts to survey the places i go to. My living area:

Goals as an OSM volunteer

Have fun learning new stuff, contributing to the commons at the same time. Dissemination of the OpenStreetMap project trough workshops and presentations in events. Use of OSM data in urban analysis research, and researching ways of getting buiding data to OSM (trough 3d reconstruction or other methods). Translation of wiki pages and manuals.

Used Hardware and Software

  • Ito Mapper - online tool to monitor an area: useful to see what users are editing where, on the area Itoworld
  • Osm statistics for Portugal -, cortesy of Alexandr Zeinalov
  • Data logger Qstarz 1000X "Travel Recorder" - The workhorse good for tracking all day long. It has battery and memory to 24 to 48 hours continuous tracking. Has in practice i only run it for some hours a day (during the trips) it normally can sustain one to several weeks of gathering data without downloading.
  • GPS navigator Garmin Nuvi 205 (for now i really do not use it to collect data. I didn't find a way to get raw data from it! I just use it to navigate, but as OSM maps are still not complete in Portugal i use it with the original maps):
    • Careful when buying Garmin navigators if the idea is collect data for OSM! Some models simply don't work for that. I advise searching the net for advice on specific models and attention with firmware versions! (It appears some of the newer models are allowing to log the raw data necessary for OSM...). For logging tracks i had more luck and good experience with TomTOm navigators.
  • TomTom Go 930 - Borrowed this one from a friend. You need to install a software util, by copying his files trough the USB cable to the memory, but it worked very well!The software is TTTracklog, and works in the background without disturbing your normal usage of the navigator.

You just need to remember to download the log files from time to time (depending on how often you use it) to clear the memory space and allow for more tracks.

  • Software to convert Garmin files to GPX format (ended up not needing it, since i didn't get my garmin to work...): wNutrak v0.17a
  • Software to connect to my Qstarz logger (works well with many loggers): [BT747]

(PT) Zona Geográfica

Estremadura e Centro de Portugal - Moro em Mafra e trabalho em Lisboa, e sempre que me desloco a outras zonas do País tento levar o GPS ou umas impressões de mapas para completar nomes.


Mapear o que conseguir das minhas viagens; divulgar activamente o projecto OSM através de apresentações públicas e Workshops; Traduzir algumas páginas do wiki que considero interessantes ou úteis para a comunidade portuguesa;

Páginas traduzidas:

Desenhar Edificios a partir de Nuvens de Pontos 3D (SFM)

Desenhar Edificios em Tomar e Mafra, com o maior rigor possivel utilizando ou Bing ou modelo 3D desenvolvido pelo grupo de investigação a que pertenço Archc3D. Estamos a criar modelos 3D a partir de fotos aéreas e terrestres utilizando software SFM (Strucure from Motion). A ideia para isso surgiu ao ver o projecto osm-3d.

Point Cloud of COnvento de Tomar in Portugal
3D point cloud of Convento de Cristo in Tomar, Portugal
  • Centro Histórico de Tomar - Já se pode ver o Convento com algum detalhe, feito a partir da imagem de cima, e estamos em processo de desenho do centro histórico, já foram desenhados os contornos dos quarteirões. Os mais na periferia ficaram com poucos pontos pelo que podem precisar de retoques - a fase seguinte será tentar individualizar alguns edificios.!

Grupo de Trabalho Osgeo

Sou membro activo do Capítulo Local Osgeo português, e no âmbito desse grupo de promoção do FOSS4G em Portugal criámos um Grupo de Trabalho OSM específico para a promoção do Openstreetmap (Já efectuado: "Mapping Party" em Évora com a participação de mais de 20 pessoas, e Workshop OSM no MyEsig2010) e a OSGEOPT - Associação Software Aberto para Sistemas de Informação Geográfica.

Material e Software utilizado

  • Data logger Qstarz 1000X "Travel Recorder"
  • GPS navegador Garmin Nuvi 205:
    • Intruções para activar o "hack" que permite registo de dados das tracks em "raw" (sem correcção pelo navegador - parece que não regista altitude...): HiddenTrackLogHowTo.pdf. UPDATE: talvez devido ao firmware que tem, este Garmin não regista dados de viagem em formato utilizável para o OSM (atenção que o log de viagens feitas normal do Garmin não se deve utilizar uma vez que tem pouco detalhe e está "corrigido" para acertar com as estradas do mapa existente em memória).Aconselho vivamente a testar antes de aquirir um!. Para registo de tracks recomendo antes os Tomtom. Parece que alguns dos ultimos modelos da Garmin já começam a trazer a possibilidade de fazer registo de tracks (ainda não tenho a certeza de quais. Aconselho verificarem os menus do aparelho a ver se encontram, antes de comprar!).
  • TomTom Go 930 - Pedi este emprestado a um amigo. É preciso instalat um utilitário, copiando os ficheiros atrvés do cabo USB para a memória, mas funcionou muito bem! O utilitário que utilizei chama-se TTTracklog, e funciona em "background" sem "chatear" a utilização normal do Tomtom.

Basta lembrar de retirar os ficheiros de log de vez em quando para não encher a memória (todos os meses por exemplo).

  • Software utilitário para converter ficheiros do Garmin para formato GPX: wNutrak v0.17a
  • Software para descarregar logs do meu Qstarz Datalogger (funciona bem com bastantes dataloggers): [BT747]

Links relativos ao uso de Dados OSM para mapeamento de caminhos de bicicleta

Public domain
All my contributions to OpenStreetMap are released into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible, I grant anyone the right to use my contributions for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.